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九年级英语作文作文:A letter to David两篇_1050字

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A letter to David两篇
初三英语:A letter to David两篇
  初三英语作文:A letter to David
  Dear David,
  Thanks for you latter. I’m very happy when I know you will come to Changsha soon. You said you wanted to learn Chinese. I think you can learn Chinese well. Because you love Chinese and you are a good boy. Now, I will give you some advice about learning Chinese . If you want to learn Chinese well ,you should read a lot and read aloud when you begin to learn it. I think you’d better learn Pingyin fisrt, then you can wa选自.初中作文
  tch some Chinese movies and listen to some Chinese music. If you study hared , your Chinese will be good soon.
  初三英语作文:A letter to David
  Dear David,
  Thanks for you letter. I am so happy to hear that you will come to Changsha to be an exchange sthdent.now I will tell you some advice about studying Chinese.First of all,you should read some Chinese books,they can open your eyes.Secondly I think you make more friends and talk with them.In this way,you can learn more about China and speak Chinese very well .Thirdly you d better to buy a Chinese dictionary.You can see more Chinese worlds on it .China is a good country. I hope you can learn Chinese well soon.
