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九年级英语作文作文:The Most Beautiful Teacher_700字

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The Most Beautiful Teacher
初三英语:The Most Beautiful Teacher
  初三英语作文:The Most Beautiful Teacher
  Lily Zhang, a 29-year –old teacher is now called “the most beautiful teacher”. To save her students, Lily was badly hurt in a car accident. I was deeply moved when I heard about Lily’s story. I think what she did shold be remembered forever.
  I also have a teacher who I think is the most beautiful one . She is my mathe teacher, Miss You. She is very pretty and smart, but this is no大全
  t the reason why I think she is beautiful. Miss You is very kind to everyone. She always smiles to others . And she is very strict with us when we are having a class. But after class, she jis just like our friend, she talks with us, and answes our questions patiently, all of my friends and teachers like her very much. So I think her bearty is from her heart.
